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酵母菌发酵法对小麦蛋白多肽肽渣脱苦工艺优化的研究 安徽省瑞康食品生物科技有限公司
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微生物发酵法水解木质素制备小分子糖的研究 鹤山市新的生物制品有限公司
(1) Dong-mei Liu*, Kun Yao, Jia-hui Li,Li-na Sun,Yan-yan Huang,Charles S. Brennan, Si-min Chen, Shan Zhao, Hui Wu, Xin-An Zeng, Margaret Brennan. The effect of ultraviolet modification of Acetobacter xylinum (CGMCC No.7431) and the use of coconut milk on the yield and quality of bacterial celluloseInternational Journal of Food Science and Technology 2019.6 54(11)3099-3108
(2) Kun Yao, Quanxing Zhou, Si-min Chen, Dong-mei Liu*, KunYuan,Hui Wu. Comparative proteomics of the metabolic pathways involved in L-lactic acid production in Bacillus coagulans BCS13002 using different carbon sources. LWT-Food Science and Technology 2019. 11(116)108445.
(3) Kun Yao, Liu Dong mei*. Detection of nitrite degradation by Lactobacillus plantarum DMDL9010 through the anaerobic respiration electron transport chain using proteomic analysis. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2020. 9 doi: 10.1111/ijfs.14777 .
(4) Yanyan Huang, Shan Zhao, Kun Yao, Dongmei Liu*. Physicochemical, microbiological, rheological, and sensory properties of yoghurts with new polysaccharide extracts from Lactarius volemus Fr. using three probiotics. International Journal of Dairy Technology 2019.10(73)1 DOI: 10.1111/1471-0307.12653.
(5) Kun Yao, Liu Dong mei*. Gelatinized and hydrolyzed corn starch is a cost-effective carbon source with higher production of L-lactic acid by Bacillus coagulans compared with glucose. International Journal of Food Science and Technology.
(6)Zhanmei Jiang*, Kun Yao, Xiangying Yuan, Zhishen Mu, Zengli Gao, Juncai Houa and Lianzhou Jiang.Effects of ultrasound treatment on physico-chemical, functional properties and antioxidant activity of whey protein isolate in the presence of calcium lactate. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 98(2017) 1522-1529.
(8) Zhanmei Jiang*, Xiangying Yuan, Kun Yao, Xueyan Li, Xinliu Zhang, Zhishen Mu, Lianzhou Jiang, Juncai Hou. Laccase-aided modification: Effects on structure, gel properties and antioxidant activities of a-lactalbumin. LWT - Food Science and Technology 80 (2017) 355-363